MFG are a long-term customer with 900+ stores in the UK. As part of our partnership, we’re in regular communication – discussing ways in which we can innovate their retail technology to ease pain points and drive efficiencies. DRS (Daily Reconciliation System) was identified as an area that we thought we could help with.
Pain points
MFG had a separate DRS where their Contract Managers from each store manually entered information from the POS Day End report into the DRS. This was time consuming and open to human error. Plus, MFG were not getting Day End reports from stores until the next day.
Solutions & results
Why not automate the DRS process we thought, so we passed it over to our highly experienced in-house development team. Within weeks they had developed and tested auto DRS – automatically posting Day End information to the DRS as part of the day-end process. We rolled out auto DRS to the entire MFG estate and the benefits were tangible.
Paresh Patel, MFG’s IT Director commented: “Auto DRS has been transformational for us. The previous time-consuming task of entering day end data manually has been fully automated. Saving at least 15 working days a year per store and head office accounts 52 days. Auto DRS has also been great for removing human error. MFG and managers now have a snapshot of the business day within minutes of day end.”
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